Data Privacy

Privacy and Data Security Notice


I operate my services under the principle: "I don't want YOUR data; I just want visibility and observability." My top priority is your privacy and the security of our services. This notice outlines my approach to collecting technical and analytical data, emphasizing my commitment to anonymizing data and respecting user preferences, including "Do Not Track" settings. My goal is to maintain service integrity and optimize performance, not to gather personal information.

Purpose of Data Collection

My collection efforts are focused on maintaining service integrity and optimizing performance, involving:

  • Technical Data: I collect IP addresses, user agents, and information on services visited, strictly for security purposes, to identify potential threats and improve service efficiency.
  • Analytical Data: Anonymously collected data includes pages visited, location (determined from the IP address), user agent, and operating system to analyze service usage patterns. Importantly, the IP address is deleted immediately after the geographical location (Geo-IP) has been identified, ensuring that my analytical processes respect your privacy by not retaining any personally identifiable information.

Content Delivery Networks Notice

I leverage Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), such as Unsplash, to ensure efficient and reliable delivery of images across our platform. These CDNs play a crucial role in enhancing your experience by providing high-quality, relevant images with reduced loading times.

CDNs distribute content from servers located globally to deliver content such as images more quickly and reduce latency, improving your overall experience on our site.

Data Collection by CDNs:

  • It's important to note that these CDNs operate independently of my control. As such, I do not have influence over the types or extents of data they collect when you interact with content delivered through their networks.
  • Given that CDNs are third-party services, their data collection, usage, and protection practices are governed by their own privacy policies. I recommend reviewing the privacy notices of these CDN providers to understand how they handle your data.

Data Usage and Protection

  • Usage of Collected Technical Data: Data is strictly used for enhancing security and service performance.
  • Analytical Data: I am using analytical Data purely to monitor traffic to sites and improve layouts or queries for search engines. I am also ensuring all analytical data is anonymous and honoring "Do Not Track" requests.
    Setting your Browser to "Do Not Track" on my pages will not generate any analytical data.
  • No Personalization or Advertising: I do not use data for personalization or advertising purposes.

Your rights

As I do not collect personal data and honor "Do Not Track" preferences, traditional privacy controls over personal data are not applicable. However, I am committed to transparency and respect for your privacy:

Updates to This Notice

I may update this notice to reflect changes in our data practices. You are encouraged to review it periodically.

Contact Information

For any questions regarding my data practices, please contact me: